Gäste / Guests

Dies ist ein moderiertes Gästebuch. Hier ist Raum für Ihre Kommentare, Ihre Anregungen aber auch für Kritik.

This is a moderated guestbook. Plenty of space to leave your comments, your suggestions and critics,



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  • support@merlinapps.de (Mittwoch, 27. Januar 2016 23:14)

    @ Leonard
    Due to changes in rights management after upgrading to Android 6.0 it is impossible to run ODYSSEY, some needed permissions are missing.

    Copy all files from your existing ODYSSEY folder to a save place, uninstall ODYSSEY and install the app again. Needed permissions will be added automatically. After that, copy all your previously
    saved files back to the ODYSSEY folder. Then start ODYSSEY and it will run as expected.

    Thanks for using ODYSSEY!

  • Leonard (Mittwoch, 27. Januar 2016 22:01)

    Nice and valuable app, use it daily.
    Since upgrading my mobile from android 5.0 to 6.0 it is no longer working. Can you give some advice?

  • Thomas (Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2015 01:43)

    Sehr interessante Website, weiter so